I was admitted to the hospital in a pain crisis due to dehydration and covid. I asked numerous times to see my physician because I was in so much pain I was unable to move or walk. The ER nurse and charge RN both paged Dr Soto many times. When I asked my nurse for help again and to contact the doctor to inform her of how much pain I was in she stated that Dr Soto said, "I have 230 patients, tell her I'm not coming to the ER to see her and I'm not giving her anything for pain." The ED doctor also confirmed that Dr Soto said not to treat my pain at all and that even once I was sent to the floor I would not get any type of treatment. Not once did she assess me or my condition. She never stepped in my room until I requested to leave by calling Phoenix PD because I had been neglected and told if I wanted help I should go to another facility. I refused to sign ama paperwork and requested that Dr Soto come assess me and discharge me so that I might seek treatment at another facility. At that point Dr Soto walked into my room and verbally assaulted me. My only interaction with her was her bending down and yelling at me "You're not getting any narcotics!", and then she walked out the room. I laid there crying in pain begging for her only to assess me. I explained to other staff members that I was not seaking narcotics just to be assessed so that she (Dr Soto) could determine the best course of action. I was treated as if I was a drug addict the moment I told all the doctor's that I saw pain management for a medical condition I was born with. I asked the nurse to explain to Dr Soto that by not giving me even my home dose of pain medication it was further increasing the pain crisis I was in to begin with. As I lie there in the ER for more than 8 hours in the worse pain I have ever felt, I finally got to the point that I would rather die than continue to live. I asked that the nurse have Dr Soto at least discharge me so that I could go to another hospital and she refused. The staff told me my only option were to lay there until morning and try to have another doctor address me or sign out ama. Being a medical professional myself I knew what that meant and knew I was backed into a corner by this physicians neglectful behavior. I choose to contact Phoenix PD for assistance in getting out of the hospital safely. At this point I still could not walk and had to be put in a wheelchair by my husband and nurse. I was driven to the hospital I personally work at and admitted for pain crisis and dehydration due to complications of covid. I do not know the 2nd Er physician that cared for me but he also was very neglectful. Never in a million years would I treat my patient the way I was treated by the physicians at Deer Valley emergency the night of 1/30/2022. A nurse would be fired for treatment I received and this doctor continues to get away with being neglectful. I was unable to use the bathroom for almost 24 hrs and she wouldn't come assess that either. As a physician and medical professional your 1st job is to do no harm! I experienced more pain than I had to and unnecessary mental anguish. God forbid she ever need medical treatment and have a doctor treat her the way she treated me. Lastly, I looked Dr Soto up on several review sites and Google and this is a pattern of behavior for her. She is a neglectful physician and should not have the privilege of caring for people.