Athena A.
Please see update below. Increase original star rating from 1 to 3. 5 stars for office, 1 for Dr. Wilson.
Let me just start by saying that the staff at AZ Perio is great. They are nice and professional. Dr. Ralph Wilson, however, is not so professional. Long story short, I found Dr. Wilson arrogant, unprofessional, and lacking in bedside manners. During my conversations with him, I felt dismissed. When I attempted to mitigate my problem by seeing another periodontist in the office, Dr. Wilson sent me text messages that were bullying and unprofessional. Naturally, I no longer felt the desire to complete my treatment with him.
Here's the story for those who are interested: After my surgery, I had continual pain from my implant and both saw and talked on the phone with Dr. Wilson. During the first post op visit when I told him I had continual pain, he shaved down FLAT the tooth (which had a crown on it) in front of the implant, explaining that he thought my pain was coming from that tooth and not the implant. Mind you he did this quickly and without explaining to me the implications of his actions. I did not realize what he had done until afterwards. When I told him the newly shaved crown was rough on my tongue and causing irritation, he mocked me by saying that my tongue was unreasonably more sensitive than his finger. I also expressed my concern with how completely flat that tooth was and how the shaving compromised the integrity of the crown. He ignored my concerns and rudely told me that the crown was already flat and that he really didn't shave much. My retainers that I've had for over 2 years, which shows the original shape and curves to that tooth, would indicate otherwise.
After this experience, I requested and saw another periodontist in the office (Dr. McKnight) who took the time to speak with me and thoroughly explained why she thought I was still having pain. She also explained that the shaven crown may chip in the future but should not be a problem for me. Despite that bit of information, I felt comfortable with Dr. McKnight so scheduled my last post op with her. Thereafter, I began receiving unprofessional text messages from Dr. Wilson that I felt were arrogantly assuming, bullying, and insensitive. He required me to finish my post op with him. Although I did not sign anything that states that I was required to work strictly with Dr. Wilson, he refused to allow me to see another periodontist and restricted the front desk from scheduling me with anyone other than him. He said my only choices were to finish treatment with him or to go to another dentistry office. He also refused to refund a portion of my money, giving me the excuse that the payment was for the surgery and that the post ops visits were "free." Any person with some iota of knowledge knows that nothing is "free" and that the post op costs would have been calculated into the flat rate price.
So despite my attempts to resolve my problems amicably by just seeing another periodontist in that office, I am left with the choices of either seeing Dr. Wilson, whom I do not feel is competent and whom I find unprofessional, or paying additional money to see another doctor in a different practice. Needless to say, I intend to file a complaint with the Arizona Dental Association and whatever other regulatory dental licensing board.
UPDATE: Received call from the office this morning. They are allowing me to see another periodontist in the office. This was all I really wanted as I had no problem with the office other than with Dr. Wilson.